We exist to glorify God by making disciples. God also created each one of us for relationship. Out of those truths, we believe that gospel-centered community is the context for discipleship. Two of the ways we live out this discipleship trait is through Life Groups and Growth Groups.
Life Groups
Life Groups are designed to deepen your relationship with God and with one another through serving our community, loving our neighbors, and studying the Word of God, all while on mission for God’s glory. These groups meet at various homes and locations at different days and times throughout the week.
Growth Groups
Growth Courses are designed to deepen your understanding, love, and knowledge of Jesus Christ through the truth and guidance of the Word of God.
These Groups meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15am and cover specific Biblical text and topics in a discussion-based format in which participants are encouraged to as questions. Every 6-8 weeks, the subjects and topics of these groups change, seeking to lay a foundation for what Christians believe, why we believe it, and how we are to respond because of what we believe in light of the cultural landscape we live in.